Satan is really good at what he's been doing for longer than we can comprehend.
Here’s the thing. Satan has been doing what he’s been doing for a loooong time, and he’s pretty skilled at it.
One of the things I love about the Book of Mormon is that it offers us a clear understanding of some of Satan’s most commonly used tactics, including the one with which he tempted Eve to partake of the fruit: Hiding a lie inside of a truth.
I loved how clearly 2 Nephi 2 showed Satan's lie-within-a-truth strategy:
18: "Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said, 'Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die (LIE), but ye shall be as God, knowing good from evil (TRUTH)."
Truth resonates with people, so if Satan can hide a lie inside of it, it makes it feel more palatable. Less obvious. Less dangerous.
Satan is not a creative being. He does not create, only twist and destroy what has already been created. He cannot come up with new truth, doctrines, or principles.
All he has the power to do is corrupt--even weaponize--the ones that are already there. We all know this sensation, particularly in entertainment: “It was SO uplifting/good/well-done, if it wasn’t for that one part…”
Because Satan is so good at mixing messages of truth with error, we HAVE to be able to discern between the two.
The only way I’ve learned to strengthen my own skills of discernment is by drawing closer to God through scriptures and prayer.
Counterfeit money is caught by people who have studied genuine money so closely they know its every detail. In this way, counterfeit principles can be caught by those who have studied truth so closely they know its details-what defines it and how it feels.
We don’t have to accept the lie just because of the value of the truth in which it’s hidden. We get to decide what to accept and what to believe-but only if we’re willing to do the work to pay attention and see it clearly.
Discernment matters.
Categories: : Discernment, Spiritual Health, Truth